We offer opportunities for Stoic community and learning. See below for details!
On Sunday August 21st (4-5:30pm EST), we will examine Chapters 4 & 5 of Professor Fideler’s Book, Breakfast With Seneca.
In Chapter 4, Professor David Fideler explains Seneca’s view on Anger. Anger is an unhealthy emotion (i.e., passion (pathē)). For Seneca the problem with anger is that it is a kind of insanity where we lose control. In fact, anger is state that controls or rules the person instead of the person being in control of the anger. In this chapter, we examine how anger arises (three step process), and investigate how to cure anger.
Chapter 5 is called, “Wherever You Go, There You Are: You Can’t Escape Yourself”. In this chapter Professor Fideler explains you cannot run away from your faults. Indeed, grief and disappointment can follow a person wherever they go. The Stoic view is not that external things are unimportant, rather genuine fulfillment and peace of mind originate from within. In other words, those who fail their cultivate their character are unlikely to be happy. One way to cultivate your character is to have a guiding purpose.
In the following months, in conjunction with Philadelphia Stoa, I will lead a group discussion on David Fideler’s book Breakfast with Seneca: A Stoic Guide to the Art of Living. The books spans 14 Chapters with a little over 200 pages of text (excluding bibliography, appendix, and notes). Professor Fideler covers various topics from Friendship, Love, and Grief… to Lasting Joy. Tentatively, the plan is to meet on every 3rd Sunday of each month.
David Fideler studied ancient philosophies and religions at the University of Pennsylvania and holds a PhD in Philosophy and the History of Science.
Additional Note: Professor Fideler has agreed to speak to our group about his book (in Zoom). He mentioned that he can meet with us at the midpoint of the book (Chapter 7. approx. Sept 2022) and again at the end of his book. I will attempt to gather questions from our readings. Indeed, our reading group will have a lively engagement with Professor Fideler.
Youtube with David Fideler:
3rd Meeting: August 21st Sunday 4 to 5:30 pm.
Chapter 4: The Problem With Anger (p. 60-78)
Chapter 5: Wherever You Go, There You Are: You Can’t Escape Yourself (p. 79-87)