We offer opportunities for Stoic community and learning. See below for details!
Vice President & Board Member
While pursuing a civil engineering degree at the University of Colorado at Denver, Amjol faced the realization that his studies left him wanting more. He posed one simple question to himself, which he sought to answer: “What does it mean to have a philosophy of life?”
During his time as an engineering student, he spent many hours delving into philosophical issues in addition to his normal studies, focusing on metaphysics and epistemology. Amidst his formal education in a technical field, a lifelong interest in philosophy was born. Amjol’s interest in Stoicism originates from his interest in Western philosophy. He is well-versed in not only Hellenistic and Stoic philosophy but also South Asian philosophy and Indian Buddhism.
After completing his BSCE, he spent time working as a civil engineer on several construction projects. Despite success in his field, his curiosity in philosophy could not be deterred. After much consideration, he went back to school and completed his PhD in philosophy. Currently, he serves as a philosophy professor at Rowan University in Glassboro, New Jersey. He has taught classes on topics such as: symbolic logic, philosophy of science, philosophy of mind, logic and everyday reasoning, and introductory topics in philosophy, Indian philosophy, and Asian religions.
He joined Philadelphia Stoa in 2019 because he was interested in pursuing a non-academic approach to philosophy to augment his formal studies. He believes that Philadephia Stoa offers a path to finding a philosophy of life through Stoicism. He currently hosts a monthly reading group for the Philadelphia Stoa that reviews and examines classical and contemporary Stoic texts.
Stoicism not only offers a coherent world-view, but also offers a practical guide to the everyday ups and downs we face in life. Stoicism gives me tools to change certain habits. For example, keeping a Stoic journal helps me focus on long-term goals. With those long term goals in mind, my journal is filled with small tasks that show my failures, along with my successes toward that goal.
We offer opportunities for Stoic community and learning. See below for details!