Stoicism is a philosophy of life grounded in the concept that virtue, or excellence of character, is the highest good. We flourish when we use Stoic virtue to guide our lives, eschewing the emptiness of materialism, status, and things outside of our control. Stoics follow the Four Virtues, which Zeno and his disciples believed were inherently good, and worthy of our striving:
We are building a new type of community which aims to guide society to a new era of human flourishing. We seek to revive the the ancient ideas which stand as the bedrock of Western civilization, and openly call on others in the community who are interested, motivated, and capable to join our mission.
The pressure of modernity weighs on all of us. Many people spend their time working, shopping, and eating alone as atomized consumers with no ethos or creed. Anger permeates our civic discourse. Civic associations are losing members, tearing apart the fabric of our communities. Our society has become paralyzed in the face of its new challenges.
Who claims to have the answers? All of the wrong people. Traditional religions want to discuss events from thousands of years ago as they ignore the issues of our time. Politicians espouse inflammatory rhetoric to incite rage. New social quasi-religions based on one’s race, gender, or sexual orientation divide our society by focusing on immutable characteristics instead of one’s character.
Philadelphia Stoa aims higher. Joining will help you meet likeminded practitioners of reason who aim to solve problems facing our world through applied virtue. We seek rational, open-minded people who have a bias to action in making the world a better place.